dinsdag 15 december 2009

Going gold

Ever wondered what the limit could be of stretching your brand? If we may believe fashion magnates Dolce&Gabbana there is none. After creating cloths worth a fortune, the duo kept searching for new ways to keep their customers happy. They launched a series of perfumes, make -up, a set of designer watches, even more expensive sunglasses, a collaboration for a jewellery line with Swarovski, a with 24 carat gold plated mobile phone, etc.

But they went even further. If your covered in D&G from head to toe, why shouldn't you want to go eat, drink and chat in you favourite's designer restaurant/bar?
In Milan Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana have their own themed restaurant with matching bar. The name Gold is very recognizable as you can see in the interior of the bar. This innovative idea wasn't all that successful in the end but still an amazing attempt in getting your brand's name out. Future plans: Hotels.

Source: TheStar

Mattias Dierickx

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